Cowboy Career Column


在商业中,你想成为首选的供应商. You want to have the recognition 和 establishment as a trustworthy source 和 servicer to those in need of your offerings. 当我开始私人执业的时候, I learned something very important about growing a br和 和 professional reputation.

当我在研究生院学习心理咨询时, I was exposed to all the therapies, 的技术, the theoretical frameworks, the licensing dem和s… I was prepared for everything EXCEPT drumming up business. 感谢上帝在我学习的时候,在我的生命中安排了一些很棒的人,他们后来为我提供了学习网络和营销等重要技能所需的资源. 这些人向我介绍了口碑营销和概念 推荐的信心.

The more I engage in my community, network with those around me, 在要求任何回报之前主动付出, 我就越能获得这些人的信任和信心. 这就是 推荐的信心 看起来像. 当我增加自己的知名度时,我从别人那里获得了信心. 这随后提高了我的信誉,最终提高了我的盈利能力. Without  being visible I gain no credibility 和 will not reap the rewards of having established myself among those in my community/industry.

This same concept in the world of business marketing applies to effective job seekers. 一个希望在毕业时取得最大成果的学生将在整个大学生涯中积极管理自己的品牌和声誉. 而不是成为首选的商店或服务, 你正在努力成为研究生院的首选申请人, 实习, or entry-level positions.


An area w在这里 students aren’t spending enough time is proactively managing their professional reputation 和 industrial visibility.

几个月前,我有幸听到一个学生参加一个专业会议的故事. 这个学生正在参加一个小组讨论,与会议上一位重要的演讲者和著名的企业主一起讨论,他们看着这群学生,问谁已经在LinkedIn上了. 学生举起了手,发现只有他们一个人. 商人递给她一张名片,邀请她联系. This led to an employment opportunity.

No, I’m not saying businesses will come offering you jobs just because you have a LinkedIn profile (which can still happen). 我想说的是,运气总是青睐有准备的人. 在这种情况下, 一个学生花了大量的时间和精力建立了一个有效的LinkedIn个人资料,并参加了专业发展会议,以有意建立关系网和知名度.

Intentional visibility can look many ways in today’s career marketing campaign:

  • 写文章
  • Commenting on Industry PG电子游戏 Pages
  • Posting to Professional Association Groups
  • 要求与当地专业人士进行信息采访
  • 在社区活动中提供海报展示
  • Volunteering Services at the Library
  • 深思熟虑地评论公司的专业社交媒体账户

底线是 this. 增加作为研究生院首选候选人的可信度, 实习, 和/或就业, you MUST own your br和 by intentionally increasing positive visibility among decision makers in your industry’s network.


如果你是来HSU就业服务中心的, 那么你可能已经了解到我们喜欢数据和统计. When numbers talk, we like to follow them 和 see if t在这里’s important insight to be gained. 在一个我们的第一印象很可能是我们的数字印象的世界里, LinkedIn comes near the top of conversation.

因为, 如果LinkedIn真的是不眠不休的人, 我们需要给予它应有的关注.

If you’re like me, you’re hesitant to try anything new related to social media. 不管我收到多少领英邀请的垃圾邮件, I stayed away as long as I could.  在那段时间里,我开始深入研究职业发展和求职策略.  LinkedIn is number one 和 has a death grip on the professional social media space…和 it isn’t going away 任何时候 soon.  坦率地说,在今天的求职中,LinkedIn是绝对的.

Here are a few reasons why:

底线是, if LinkedIn is w在这里 employers, 招聘人员, 和 hiring managers are spending their time, 那。’s w在这里 job seekers should be.

When you apply to a job online, you’ll likely be submitting your application 和 job search letters through software called applicant tracking systems (ATS).  Modern ATS has the capacity to “score” c和idates’ résumés based on how well they fit the bill.  那些有最高的rsamsamats得分的人会被一个人观察.  看起来还不错?  You get an interview.


LinkedIn is no different.  这个被微软收购的平台有自己的算法,可以为你的个人资料的一般可搜索性“打分”,也可以在他们的招聘工具中申请候选人.  So, much like how we develop our résumé with targeted terminology of skills 和 value offerings, we also have to be diligent in creating a LinkedIn profile 那。 is rife with words 那。 we k现在 will resonate with the recruiter/hiring manager.

算法会更看重我们侧面的某些部分. 增加最多重量的部分是标题.  This is why we advocate against generic position titles 和 statements such as “Open to Work” or “Seeking New Opportunities.“如果我们想被项目管理找到, 那么在LinkedIn的标题中没有“项目管理”一词就会对我们造成伤害.

Our profile should be engaging, 风度翩翩的, 并且充满了术语,使我们与我们的目标角色保持一致,主要有两个原因:

  1. 这样我们就很容易被招聘人员和招聘经理找到.
  2. 这样我们就被打上了获得这些机会的合格候选人的烙印.

This is also one of the reasons why we advocate against attaching a résumé to the profile.  As previously mentioned, today’s best résumé contains terminology tailored to the employer’s needs 和 (most commonly) the specific job posting announcement.  发一份普通的简历并不能让我们向雇主展示我们能真正满足他们独特的需求.

有很多, many other ways to optimize our profile, 但我不会在这里讲所有的细节.  We have a separate presentation for 那。.  是的, 领英是一个我们可以成功申请工作并展示自己是一个优秀候选人的地方.  但是,这并不是该平台最强大的方面.

LinkedIn被设计成一个我们发展职业网络的地方.  它已经发展到增加一个在线招聘板的地步, salary insights feature, 电子学习模块, 和更多的.  但我们应该主要用它来搜索, 与......联系。, 并在我们追求的行业内培养专业关系.

Start by connecting with 朋友 和 family.  然后是哈佛大学的校友、教职员工.  最后,开始探索你的行业和那些在热门内容中不断出现的名字.  给 Likes 和 thoughtful comments on their material they share to initiate the relationship.  后不久, 发送一个包含您对其内容表示感谢的注释的连接请求是可以接受的, conveying your area of study, 和 presenting your desire to have them become a part of your professional network.

Continue to engage with their content 和 attempt to continue networking off of LinkedIn in the form of a phone call, 一个咖啡, 或者其他东西来了解他们的工作.  但, DON’T ask for a job.  这是关于建立一种职业关系,你将能够从中收获果实.  Be a learner 和 a helper first.

想了解更多关于如何利用领英来获得职业成功的信息吗?  学生和校友可以随时加入握手并预约HSU就业服务.  伸出手去 了解更多信息.

不要错过4月22日的LinkedIn个人资料建立活动nd, LinkedIn“活.”  今天通过在握手上注册来保留您的位置!

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC

Interview Blog Graphic




现在我们的求职申请开始看到成效了. 我们怎么知道的?


Many fret over having a good interview. This is why we offer in-person 和 virtual coaching along with mock interviews. Are you having a phone or Zoom interview? 为了给你提供最准确的反馈,我们将根据你将要面试的格式设置模拟面试,从而帮助你将最佳实践落实到位.

好的采访是一门通过重复习得的艺术. 那么,让我们练习一下.

然而,今天的文章不一定是关于面试技巧的. 更重要的是,当我们进入虚拟或真实的会议室时,我们需要随身携带什么.

多年来,我一直很不高兴地看到学生们去面试,却不知道他们应该带些什么来展示自己最好的一面. 配备合适的工具可以让你:

  • 回忆一下面试前与雇主讨论过的话题
  • Present a strong, positive first impression of preparedness 和 professionalism
  • 填补自己准备不足的潜在缺点
  • 将你的经历直接与公司最近的需求联系起来

So, what do we need to bring with us (or have in front of us) during our interviews?


没有什么比记录简短、有目的的笔记更能说明“专注”了. I say brief 和 purposeful because notating the entire interview isn’t appealing. 随着面试的进行,你要准备好快速记下面试官提供给你的关于这个职位的关键信息,这样你就能对这个职位有一个清晰的了解,并在后续的文件中更准确地强调他们的需求.


不,不是在你的超级英雄保温瓶里(看看我自己). 小型或中型容器是可以接受的. Avoid developing a dry throat 和 going into a coughing fit because you weren’t prepared. 还记得, final rounds of interviews can get long; especially when they want to take you around the office 和 introduce you to additional stakeholders 和 team members. Don’t get caught off guard.


我们无法保证面试官会有所准备. 确保你手头有几份已经打印在rsamsum纸上的rsamsum拷贝,以防万一. 有一次,我遇到了一组面试官,他们提前把我的简历打印出来了. 然而,他们的复印机坏了,打印出来的照片超级黑. 有些部分可能对一些人来说很难轻松阅读. So, I whipped out my perfectly printed documents 和 passed them around the room.


Really, this applies to any job search letter you’ve sent over for your c和idacy. 如果他们提出你在你的 cover letter, personal statement, statement of faith, value proposition letter, 等., you’ll want to be able to quickly refer to it 和 k现在ledgably respond to their inquiry. 所以,把你为你的候选人提交的所有材料都复印一份,以便参考.


If you didn’t incorporate the executive briefing style into your cover letter, be certain you have one available 现在. 执行简报是一个简单的两栏格式,你在其中列出 他们想要什么 你是如何拥有它的. 你可以看到一个行政简报格式的求职信示例 在这里.

Portfolio/Validation Project

实际上,每个候选人都会尽自己最大的努力来表现自己的工作能力. 然而, not many will be bringing PROOF. 你的工作/价值验证项目的作品集是你可以带到会议上的东西,它展示了你已经证明的能力,可以实现他们对新员工的期望. This can look many different ways. 对于摄影师来说,它很可能看起来像一个名副其实的作品集. For others it will take some creativity. 也许是项目描述和结果统计. 对我来说,这是我为职业服务部门写的过去的薪金和五年计划. These provide excellent interview conversation content 和 can bolster your c和idacy above less-qualified competition.


该组织最近参与了什么活动? 我曾有幸与一位获得实习机会的学生共事(部分原因是),因为他比面试官更了解公司的情况. The student brought up how excited he was to see the company make amends with a partner entity across the country for greater growth down the road. 面试结束后, 那个学生回来找我,他担心自己不会得到这份工作,因为面试官似乎因为提到了公司过去的负面影响而有点不高兴. 正相反, 原来面试官审查了学生的评论, 我看到那个学生的研究很准确, 他对这份工作印象非常深刻,于是他收到了这份工作.

Our interview materials can be neatly 和 professionally brought along with us in a padfolio. 没有? Jump in on our Adulting 101 programs throughout the year 和 you just might WIN ONE FOR FREE!

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC


On the occasional Saturday afternoon you’ll find my daughter 和 me spending some time at one of the local coffee shops 在这里 in Abilene. 她会忙着狼吞虎咽地吃巧克力牛奶和饼干, getting ahead on schoolwork, 阅读, 和着色. I’ll be engrossed in my own studies, a latté, 和 preparing for the upcoming week.

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of sitting nearby a group of three local students. My daughter absolutely loved this. She felt like a such a grown up studying beside “real life college students.”

I took advantage of the opportunity to make a socially-distanced introduction 和 ask,


One of them very poignantly addressed the fact 那。 they hear all about networking 和 building professional relationships, but they simply have no clue what to talk about when they invite someone to coffee, 午餐, or a virtual conversation.

她提到的概念是一个非常强大的工具,为未来的专业人士, INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWING. It’s a fairly simple concept. 但是,正如学生所说,执行起来可能很吓人.

An informational interview 是一个有意的机会去了解更多:

  • 一个行业
  • The day-to-day functions of a specific job
  • (最重要的是)与该领域的专业人士建立关系

So, 如果我们的目标是给对方留下好印象,同时加深对职业决策的理解, 信息面试应该是什么样的?


当和你感兴趣的领域的专业人士坐在一起时, they expect you to have some questions. 这是理所当然的. 你邀请了他们. 提前准备好主题和关键问题的小清单了吗. 一些你可以随身携带的问题包括:

  1. 告诉我你是如何对这个领域产生兴趣的.
  2. 你如何跟上今天的挑战?
  3. 最近有什么行业变化吗?或者你希望在不久的将来看到什么变化?
  4. What skills are in-dem和 at this time?


当在讨论的背景中有一个隐藏的议程时,这是非常尴尬的. 而不是 of beating around the bush, be sure to make it clear 那。 you’re intentionally trying to grow your professional network, gain more insights beyond the classroom, 为自己的成功做好准备,同时在此过程中建立一些良好的职业关系.


你进行信息面试的一个原因是你可以接触到 隐藏的就业市场. You’re going to want your name to come to these individuals’ minds when an employment opportunity comes upon their radar.

当他们反过来问你的时候,不要错过传达你在你的研究行业的价值和主要成就的机会, “Tell me a little bit about yourself.”


  • 项目的亮点
  • Delivered Presentations
  • 项目认可,奖学金和奖励
  • 你是如何改善你的学术组织的
  • 特定行业实习的具体成果
  • 等.


People love to help helpful people.

Before the meeting concludes, ask them if t在这里’s anything you can do to be helpful to their current goals. 不要指望他们会帮你做任何事, 但重要的是你的提议会给人留下什么样的印象.

而且,一如既往,不要在没有询问对方的情况下留下信息 金的问题 of,

“你会鼓励我和谁谈谈我的职业道路?? Can you introduce me?”

这个问题可以让你继续扩展你的网络, your professional br和, 和 your access to future opportunities.

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC


𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐟男子汉男子汉𝐧𝐜男子汉男子汉𝐩男子汉男子汉𝐫𝐢男子汉男子汉?

说实话吧. 当我们在网上搜索PG电子游戏的时候, 有一件作品似乎每次我们看到它都会动摇我们的信心……


This one line has a track record of sucking optimism right out of a job seeker’s sails.

So, how do we address it? If we were to avoid applying to the job roles we don’t have all the qualifications for, 我们不会有很多申请表要填.

Many 招聘人员 will tell you 那。 the odds of acquiring a pool of applicants 那。 have EVERY qualification listed is very slim-to-impossible. They don’t expect 那。 to happen. 而不是, they expect a majority of the qualifications to be met AND you sell them on the rest.

在求职的世界里,目标很简单; convey to the hiring manager 那。 the value you have provided to your previous organizations is evidence 那。 you can do the same for them.

所面临的挑战, 然而, is digging out our unique accomplishments 和 effectively presenting them in the form of:



为了填补我们的经验空白,我们需要有创造力. 在你的教育过程中要记住的一件重要的事情是,通过学生会员资格,确保你与你所追求的行业保持联系.



把自己打造成你想要联系的行业特定主题的可靠信息来源,还有什么比这更好的方法来把自己和你未来的职业联系起来呢. 这将为你的品牌创造奇迹,也将验证你知道你在说什么. 没有人必须雇佣你来写你的职业兴趣. Yet, if you write regularly enough, you can add this experience to your job search letters.


When I got started in career development, I needed to generate a client base. One way I did this was by sharing the information I had in the form of free events at the local library 和 coffee shop meeting rooms. Leverage your offerings by building material you can give away to your local community.


W在这里 does your city need help? 没有报酬并不意味着它不是经验. 你能通过咨询你正在学习的话题来服务他人吗? 你能以志愿者的身份填补你的技能空白吗? 你能在你的专业领域为当地的服务机构提供额外的帮助吗?


“你会鼓励我和谁谈谈我的职业道路?? Can you introduce me?”

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC



I have a saying 那。 I’ll eventually put on a t-shirt because of how often I employ it when conversing with students,


The hiring statistics behind the efficacy of networking over 和 against the CAP strategy (Click – Apply – Pray) are massive. 成功的学生在本科阶段就开始建立人脉,然后在准备进入市场时利用所有这些新的人脉.

在这一点上,学生们说:“建立关系网. 明白了吗. 现在,我该怎么做?”

许多人很快就进入了专业社交媒体领域, 在Instagram和Twitter上关注他们最喜欢的公司, 和 start talking to strangers. 这很棒,但不是最好的起点.

The first step of networking begins at home.

这不仅仅是大学生的做法. This is true for all professionals.

I had the experience of 阅读 a LinkedIn post this weekend discussing a harsh reality. The post addressed how recently laid off professionals are treated very differently by those they used to regularly engage with. Being a job seeker can muddy the relationship waters with a pre-existing network. This is why we teach 那。 genuine networking is relationship building; not merely ‘click connections.’

We should endeavor to fill our network with professionals whom we have grown alongside for some time; hence, why we advocate beginning early. 但, 可以肯定, the one place w在这里 you’ll almost never be treated differently as a job seeker is your pre-existing network of family 和 close 朋友.

With your closest family members, make your career target options crystal clear. 列出一个与他们关系密切的专业人士的初步名单,你可以给他们发电子邮件,请他们来杯虚拟咖啡, 真正的咖啡, 午餐, a 15-minute phone call, 阴天, 等.

Don’t have a defined career target yet, or are you intimidated by the thought of networking?


Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC


最近,HSU就业服务中心有幸与一群新的转学生进行了交谈. 在准备报告的笔记时, I thought it most appropriate to outline a few things 那。 are making today’s new graduates successful in the marketplace.



Implementing a Targeted 搜索

当我们知道我们为之奋斗的目标时,我们就会得到最好的结果, 我们的受众是谁, 和 what they’re seeking in a c和idate.

More than 60% of hiring managers 和 招聘人员 have voiced their desire for tailored job search letters aligned to the industry 和 role; specifically, 他们的空缺.

这是通过研究我们行业最需要的技能来完成的, common terminology used in job postings, recent mentions of our target companies, 和 popular technology 和 topics being discussed on professional social media as well as professional association reporting outlets.


It used to be 那。 an internship or volunteer work was preferable for upperclassmen. Now, it’s practically m和atory!

如今,最具竞争力和最成功的候选人是那些花时间自我评估的人, 探索, determine their career path, 并寻找能让他们的上司具备这种价值的角色, industry-specific experience.

仅仅为了满足毕业的课程要求而获得实习机会对我们没有任何好处. 而不是, find what experience you need, 把你寻找实习机会的重点放在那些能满足你职业发展需要的机会上.


我说过一次, 我已经说过一千遍了……开始建立人际关系永远不会嫌早, but it can always be too late.

网络的价值(尤其是在新冠时代)怎么强调都不为过. 没有什么比通过一个庞大的专业人士网络将你与可能永远不会发布的职位联系起来更好的方法了.

成功的新毕业生与家人沟通, 朋友, 前同事, 过去的经理, 招聘人员, 和 successful professionals to grow their k现在ledge 和 keep their name on the shortlists for potential opportunities.


这可能是当今职业发展中最容易被忽视的因素. 仅仅在LinkedIn上建立人脉和花时间是不够的. 学生们需要意识到自己的声誉,以及他们在行业内的专业人士眼中的形象.

当我们用谷歌搜索我们的名字时,会得到什么结果? Those 那。 are winning are creating 和 being found for their professional content.  These students are being found for:

  • Recently published research
  • 由学校和组织颁发的奖项
  • Professional social media content
  • Mentions in local media
  • 等.


The vast majority of student résumés need help in one area more than any other; offering proven value.

In a competitive market, listing job duties 和 responsibilities isn’t going to convince a hiring manager 那。 you’re deserving of an interview.

我们的简历、求职信、后续邮件、价值主张信等. 必须提供价值. These can come in the form of statements 那。 convey our achieved success from our:

  • 前的工作
  • 集团项目
  • 志愿者工作
  • 课堂之外的补充学习渠道

毕业后要想取得成功需要做很多事情. 如果你想知道如何增加你获得好机会的机会, 和我们预约今天的握手节目!

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC


Cover letters are dead…

Or so you would be led to believe by a great number of professionals who hold to this opinion. This is because so many cover letters go unread in the job search process today.

I believe differently.

I posit 那。 so many have developed a negative impression of cover letters due to the lack of focus 和 intentionality 那。 go into crafting them. To be perfectly honest, 如果我的收件箱里有一堆求职者的求职信, 我会害怕筛选每一篇附带的“文章”.”

It is my firm opinion 那。 cover letters have become less 和 less read because of how poorly they’re written 和 how long they tend to be.

A cover letter is not:

  • 对这份工作的请求
  • 详细记录你是如何走到今天这一步的
  • A love letter to the company
  • Your résumé restated
  • An informal email to a friend
  • More than half a page in content

An effective cover letter is:

  • Written professionally
  • Catered to 那。 company’s needs
  • 旨在突出你对该职位最重要的价值
  • 要表达对那家公司工作的尊重
  • Spaced for easy 阅读
  • A supplement to your résumé 那。 positively reframes any glaring holes or shortcomings

Do you need help learning how to write a masterful cover letter 那。 gets read?

Be sure to follow us on all of our HSU 职业服务 social media 和 register for our virtual 和 in-person training events. 您也可以安排一对一的预约 握手 任何时候.

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC


我们的求职信本质上是一个活动的营销片段. 这是说服别人购买我们的品牌和产品的任务. 我们要让别人相信我们值得投资,我们做到了 那。 unique something they’re missing from their organization to help it take the next step forward.

So, what are we selling?


随着时间的推移,我们已经习惯了一些关于薪资的事情,比如客观陈述, “references available upon request,” bullets everyw在这里, 和一个平淡的, 黑色的 & white obituary style format. 在回顾 common résumé mistakes, the most important change 那。 MUST take place within our document is making certain 那。 we’re presenting our value through achievements in the workplace; not the run-of-the-mill bulleted list of job duties 和 responsibilities.

因此,我经常很高兴地坐在那些希望为他们的职业营销活动起草高质量文件的人身边. 然而, when we review their work, the experience provided is definitively a list of their st和ard “show up 和 do the job” role; if t在这里’s experience to discuss at all. 是的,我喜欢写独特的rsamsum内容,但在这个关键时刻,文字体操不是解决方案. The problem is not content, but rather, the working attitude 和 the need to MAKE WORK MATTER.

…word gymnastics is NOT THE SOLUTION

来建立我们的rsamsums, 我们必须问, “那个地方/团队/公司现在比我来之前好吗??“很多时候,这个价值可以通过回忆我们必须克服的挑战来挖掘:1)为公司节省资金2)为公司创造资金3)或改进流程. 经过我们的采访,到目前为止还没有确定价值, 很明显,我们需要调整我们的工作心态.

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Are we showing up just to punch the proverbial clock 和 get to the end of the workday? 我们是否在做别人要求我们做的,别人期望我们做的,但仅此而已? Are we students with a mediocre job 那。 has nothing to do with our occupational goals? Whatever the case may be, 关键是要“按下开关”,从这一点开始每一天的工作,并抱着创造出能体现我们价值的伟大事情的心态.

It’s incredible to see just how quickly our career vault begins to fill with achievements just by showing up to work, 志愿者活动, 组织会议,目的是让事情变得比我们来之前更好.

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My favorite advice to give to new professionals without industry-specific opportunities is to MAKE YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. Do you have k现在ledge or an opinion on today’s issues in your chosen industry? 写下来! 加入地方、国家和全球对话,展示你的能力和专业精神. 在当地图书馆做义工. 在今天的社交媒体世界里,在你所追求的行业中,不提高你的声誉几乎是不可能的. 问题是,“你愿意为实现梦想而努力吗??”

选择今天就出现,做出改变. Your résumé will thank you for it later.

Myles Lofl和 MS, CPRW, CCMC